In my paintings and pictorial interventions I develop architectural figurations, animated membrane and textile marks. They appear on silver leaf mosaics arranged in lattice-like structures with outlines of varying concision.

I use natural oxidation processes of leaf metals, a traditional technique in Japanese temple painting, for my self-forming light paintings.

Portrait of Magdalena Waller

Photo: Andreas Labes

Magdalena Waller DE/SWE
* 1988 in Munich
lives and works in Munich

Awards and Honors

2021Grant Neustart Kultur Grant Bayern Innovativ Grant Erwin and Gisela von Steiner Stiftung

2019Grant Deutschland Stipendium

2016 – 19Studio grant by city of Munich

2013Education Painting Diploma as Master Scholar (Meisterschüler) in the class of Prof. Axel Kasseböhmer, AdBK Munich

2016Shortlisted painting award Ed-Dietzsch Prize, Gera

2014Master Scholar (Meisterschüler)

2013Shortlisted ART AWARD auction house Karl & Faber, Munich


Works in private collections in Germany, Italy, Sweden, Austria, Japan, USA
Erwin and Gisela von Steiner Stiftung
Born Collection

Exhibits (Selection)

2024art is a present, Micro Art Gallery, Munich winter show, Atelier Wild, Munich Arttoria Di Monaco, Studio C_, Munich Reverie Reset, The Tiger Room Gallery, Munich Art Schnitzel, public space, Munich

2023Think Before You Print, Empfangshalle, Munich p/review, Atelier Wild, Munich Kunsthalle UG, Augsburg Munich POP ART, Orangerie, Munich The Female Show, Munich Art Gallery, Munich

2022Jahresgaben, Kunstverein Munich Atlas Lights, Goldberg Galerie, Munich START 22, Goldberg Galerie, Munich In Situ Paradise, Biennale Lindau

2021Jahresgaben Kunstverein Munich Perplex, super+Centercourt, Munich Peripheral Alliances, Residency Program Kunstverein Munich

2020Manipulation of Delphi, Kunstarkaden, Munich Klasse Kasseböhmer, BBK, Munich

2019START, Goldberg Galerie, Munich Z common ground, Munich Goldberg Galerie, Munich (solo)

2018PLAYGROUND, Bernheimer Contemporary, Berlin Eb-Dietzsch artprize shortlist, Gera

2017too soon to tell, Färberei, Munich works on paper, Dirk Halverscheid Galerie, Munich arkadenale. go to paradise, Kunstarkaden, Munich don‘t leave home, Dirk Halverscheid Galerie, Munich (solo) Kurze Nacht der Galerien, Galerie Wang- Hohmann, Wiesbaden

2016KUNST AKTUELL, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim in cooperation with Kunstverein Rosenheim, Rosenheim Sommerausstellung, Dirk Halverscheid Galerie, Munich Drei Künstlerinnen im Fokus, Galerie Wang-Hohmann, Wiesbaden Tag der Archive, Deutsches Museum in cooperation with Archiv AdBK, Munich


2016Painting Diploma as Master Scholar (Meisterschüler) in the class of Prof. Axel Kasseböhmer, AdBK Munich

2015Exchange semester at the Prefectural University of Arts, Okinawa (JP)

2009Art studies AdBK Munich, up to 2016 at the class of Prof. Axel Kasseböhmer

2007 – 09Travelling through Europe, Middle East, Far East Asia, South America and Northern Africa